(random pic found on Google images)
This is a message to all musicians/artists out there...
Lately, I've been extremely fascinated by the new cassette culture and the general direction music is going, so, I've decided/given thought/contemplated on the idea of starting a very small, cassette based label in the near future (free digital downloads would obviously always be included). I know there are already plenty of awesome people doing this, but I've got nothing but time, love, and a few pharmaceutical cocktails on my hands right now, so why not? I'm inspired (thanks
Warren!) and I like Tapes!
That being said, anyone interested in having there music posted on this blog and eventually (when, and if I get my shit together) getting a "physical" tape release, can send me their music, info, pics, anything really.... I love receiving shit (especially by mail)! So don't be shy, try it out, and please send me what you've got! If I like it, I'll post it, promote it, and do everything I can to help out!
Hey, you might even make a few bucks out of it!
For the moment I'm based in Moncton, N.B. (Canada), so if you are ever around my area please let me know and I'll do my best to set up a show or two for you! (I've got plenty of room for people to crash at my place!) ------> This city needs you, so get to it!
Hey! We could even become friends!
Pourquoi pas?
Sorry about my poor English writing skills (I usually write in french)...That's the reason why I rarely write reviews or info when I post albums. My OldaBrotha is much better at that anyway!
Email : emanpicard@gmail.com
http://www.last.fm/user/emanpicardMail Submissions : SEND ME ANYTHING!
283 1/2 Robinson St.
Moncton, N.B.
E1C 5C9