Femminielli/Araignée 7" split (Fixture Records, 2011)/// best split 7" of the year! Enjoy, and I bet you won't be able to get your hands of yourself. Glad I got this in the mail before canada post killed my buzz with their picketing.
Jesse Locke of Weird Canada said it best:
"Fixture Records’ first foray into wax is a serious stunner. Sharing a split 7” with himself, Bernardino Femminielli presents a song from two different projects, revealing the dual sides of his musical personality. “Chauffeur” not only aligns itself with the best Duran Duran song but also cops its cult vibes from Carpenter scores of the ’80s late nite multiplex. Layering sensual whispers on a bed of chilly synths, it’s a leather daddy sex cave you won’t want to escape. On the flip, “Silvia” introduces the impassioned soap opera pop of his Araignée offshoot, all shuffling beats, electro gleams and water-damaged vocals, and equally jaw-dropping. Get your mitts on this now. "don't miss him at
WYRD FEST III, and order